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  • 5 Steps to Proficient Social Media Management

    Apr 10, 2014

    5 Steps to Proficient Social Media Management

    This is a guest contribution from Kemya L. Scott, Marketing Strategist & Social Media Manager at Phisco Marketing

    Do you ever feel like social media is a vortex that sucks time from the atmosphere?

    Have you ever lost track of time using social media, looked up at the clock, and wondered where your day went?

    Or perhaps you're swamped running your business and there’s simply no time to use social media effectively?

    You are not alone. 

  • How to Become a Social Media Superstar and Grow Your Blog Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

    Mar 6, 2014

    social media

    When it comes to traffic generation, bloggers generally tend to side with one of two camps:

    • The SEO bloggers, who optimize their blog content for search engines, tweak the structure of their site with SEO plugins and build links to their site wherever they can.
    • The social media bloggers who build their audience mainly by engaging with readers through sites like Facebook and Twitter, encouraging people to share their posts and creating content strategically in the hopes it goes viral.

    Of course the best overall strategy is to combine these two methods, but today we’re going to cover the basics of social media marketing.