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    All posts by Rachel Adnyana

  • How to Become a Social Media Superstar and Grow Your Blog Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

    Mar 6, 2014

    social media

    When it comes to traffic generation, bloggers generally tend to side with one of two camps:

    • The SEO bloggers, who optimize their blog content for search engines, tweak the structure of their site with SEO plugins and build links to their site wherever they can.
    • The social media bloggers who build their audience mainly by engaging with readers through sites like Facebook and Twitter, encouraging people to share their posts and creating content strategically in the hopes it goes viral.

    Of course the best overall strategy is to combine these two methods, but today we’re going to cover the basics of social media marketing.

  • How to Grow Your Blog from 0 to 1,000 Subscribers in 30 Days

    Feb 18, 2014


    Want to know how big-name bloggers grow their blog subscribers so quickly? In this article we reveal the secrets to success of five hugely successful bloggers and map out a blueprint that you can follow to build your own blogging empire. Interested? Then read on!

  • Mozart or Metallica? How Music Affects Your Productivity

    Feb 11, 2014



    There seem to be two main categories of people when it comes to the topic of music and productivity: those who need silence to concentrate and those who need music or some kind of background noise in order to achieve maximum productivity.

  • The Productivity Diet: what you eat affects your productivity and concentration

    Nov 6, 2013


    You've probably heard the phrases "you are what you eat" and "healthy mind, healthy body," yet when it comes to being more productive at work, we're more likely to look at external factors, like how we plan and organise our work, rather than internal ones, like how we're fueling our body.

    In fact, diet, along with exercise and sleep, is one of the most important factors when it comes to getting the most out of yourself. Like a sports car, if you want to achieve optimal performance, you need to put in the right fuel. If your brain is running on a diet of soda and junk food, you're never going to achieve your highest potential.